June 30, 2024 marks the end of the Knights of Columbus 2023-2024 Fraternal Year. With the start of the new Fraternal Year on July 1, a new group of officers will begin to the lead the Council for the next two (2) years. Before we turn the page on this year, we wanted to acknowledge and thank the officers who have provided leadership to the Council this past year. We look forward to continuing to serve the Parish and Community.
The end of the Fraternal Year also sees our Grand Knight's time come to a close after five (5) years of service in this role. At our final meeting of the Fraternal Year this past Thursday, the Council surprised Grand Knight Joe Pargola with a few gifts and and beautiful words of appreciation. The Grand Knight was joined at the meeting by his family - his wife, Katie, and children, Bella and Joey. Please take a moment and read an excerpt from the Grand Knight's remarks from his annual State of the Council Address reflecting on this past year and his years serving as Grand Knight. We thank our Brother Knights and their families, Parishioners, and Friends for their continued support of the Knights of Columbus and Holy Trinity Parish. Are you interested in becoming a Knight of Columbus and serving our Parish and Community? Ask us how you can become a Knight today.
"As a Council we have had remarkable success. While we have raised significant funds from breakfast, football and coal tickets, nights at the Green Parrot, and our Monte Carlo Knight, we have turned those funds raised into tangible benefits for our Parish and community. Because of your commitment to our Council activities, we have been able to provide Bibles to our level 7 PREP and 8th grade school students annually. We have been able to host our Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest and provide prizes. We have been able to assist the school through donations for activities such as their Drawing God program, tricky tray, and sponsoring Monsignor Eckert in his race for education. We have also been able to reach beyond the boundaries of the Parish and continue to support our family through the Unbound program and annually provide a family at Christmas financial support through the Barkann Family Healing Hearts Foundation. We have been able to donate hand trucks to the food pantry and through sweat equity helped collect more than 100,000 pounds of food to benefit the food pantries in our area since 2019. Most recently, we help pack 50,000 meals for those in need. We have also facilitated donations of more than $10,000 in monetary and physical goods to the Legacy of Life Foundation including $1,000 towards the purchase of an ultrasound machine and we donated $1,000 to support the Rising Together Alliance to help provide resources for a Catholic Education for students with special needs. We’ve also helped provide comfort to the sick in our Parish and in our Council through our continued Honor Guard program and sending cards and gift baskets to our Brother Knights and their families in times of sickness and cards to our parishioners to let them know that they are in our prayers as they battle illness. We continue to make a positive and meaningful impact in the lives of those who need our help.
We have continued some of our amazing programs this year and have had the fortune of being recognized by both the Supreme and Pennsylvania State Councils for our work over the years. I am very proud to report that this year we should be receiving our fifth consecutive Star Council award, which would be the 6th overall for our Council. We have also been recognized by the PA State Council and have completed the Grand Slam of Faith in Action Awards having been recognized with five Faith in Action Awards covering all four categories of Faith, Family, Life, and Community. None of these accomplishments could be achieved over these past 5 years without all of your dedication and commitment to our Council.
As I’ve taken time the past several weeks to reflect on my time as Grand Knight, I wanted to take a moment and express my heartfelt and sincere thanks for everything that all of you have helped our Council achieve."