The Council welcomed a new slate of officers for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Fraternal Years. We wish our new officers the best as they begin planning for the upcoming year. Would you like to learn how you can become a Knight of Columbus and serve the Holy Trinity Parish and Community? Click here to find out how you can become a Knight.
The Council welcomed a new slate of officers for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Fraternal Years. We wish our new officers the best as they begin planning for the upcoming year. Would you like to learn how you can become a Knight of Columbus and serve the Holy Trinity Parish and Community? Click here to find out how you can become a Knight.
At our June business meeting we were joined by leaders and scouts for the newly reformed Cub Scout Pack 4 and Boy Scout Troop 4 at Holy Trinity Parish. The Council voted to donate $500 to the Scouts to help with startup costs as they begin here at Holy Trinity Parish. Click here to see how the Knights will help and how you can join Pack 4.
June 30, 2024 marks the end of the Knights of Columbus 2023-2024 Fraternal Year. With the start of the new Fraternal Year on July 1, a new group of officers will begin to the lead the Council for the next two (2) years. Before we turn the page on this year, we wanted to acknowledge and thank the officers who have provided leadership to the Council this past year. We look forward to continuing to serve the Parish and Community. Click here to read more about the past year for the Knights of Columbus and outgoing Grand Knight, Joe Pargola.
During the PA State Knights of Columbus Convention in April, the Council was awarded two (2) State Faith in Action Awards for programming offered during the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year. The Council was recognized for programs related to Community and Life. These awards were formally presented to Council at the 9:30am Mass on June 16, 2024 by District Deputy Eric Miller. Read more about the programs that were recognized by the PA Knights of Columbus.
The Council donated $700 from a combination of individual member donations, the Council, and the Council's Fourth Degree account to help with repairs to the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial sustained last August. The Fourth Degree is the highest degree of the order. It is an extension of the third degree. Members of this degree are addressed as "Sir Knight". The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism and to encourage active Catholic Citizenship. Click here for more information and to help donate towards the memorial repair.
On June 8, 2024, the Council spent an amazing morning with our Brother Knights from the Eastern PA Knights of Columbus to help pack 50,000 meals to benefit Cross Catholic Outreach. Thanks to our Council Knights and their families who joined the nearly 150 volunteers at Holy Ghost Prep's Holt Center. 45,000 meals will be shipped to families in dire need in a developing country while 5,000 meals will be donated to local food pantries, including the Holy Trinity Food Pantry. Thanks to District Deputy Eric Miller for helping to coordinate this event. Special thanks to Gump Whiteside and the staff at Holy Ghost Prep for being amazing hosts and getting us set up in the beautiful Holt Center. We were also blessed to have U.S. Spiritans and Holy Ghost Prep teacher, Fr. Dan help with some students and to lead us in our opening and closing prayer. We are looking forward to packing meals again next year!
What a beautiful day for the National Eucharistic Revival. It was wonderful to see so many Parishioners and Friends as well as the students from Holy Trinity School join us as the first stop in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Special thanks to our Brother Knights Monsignor Eckert and Deacon Leonard and the entire Parish staff for all of the organization and coordination of today's procession. Thanks to the Morrisville Borough Police Department for all of their assistance keeping the roads safe for the procession. We were also blessed to be joined by Bishop McIntyre and by PA Knights of Columbus State Deputy Mike Kish and his wife Colleen. Thanks to our Brother Knights from Our Lady of Grace Parish, who joined us in the procession. Days like today are special as we can bring together our Parish and community to put our Faith In Action.
Thank you to all the Knights and their families, Parishioners, and Friends who came out on May 11, 2024 to support the Stamp Out Hunger Letter Carrier Food Drive. The before and after pictures of the Holy Trinity Food Pantry tells the story. Special Thanks to Brother Knight Frank Powell, his family, and the team that organized the day that will impact and help so many in our area. Thank you also to all of the Parishioners and friends who left food outside of their mailbox. Because of all your generosity, we were able to help collect 35,000 pounds of food which was distributed to four separate locations including the Holy Trinity Food Pantry. Thank you all for your generosity and support. The food collected today was distributed to the Holy Trinity Food Pantry, Good Friends, Inc., the Interfaith Food Alliance, and the Morrisville Presbyterian Church. Looking for a way to get connected and involved in Holy Trinity Parish and the Greater Morrisville Communities? Ask how you can become a Knights of Columbus.
The Knights of Columbus are selling their annual Chance of A Lifetime (COAL) tickets. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Take your chance at winning one of 16 cash prizes totaling $65,000. Knights will be selling after all Masses on the weekends of 4/6 & 4/7 and 4/13 & 4/14. Drawing will take place April 27th at the Knights of Columbus State Convention.
The Council purchased and donated two new hand trucks for the Food Pantry. The hand trucks will help the volunteers move and organize the food donations throughout the year and are used to move the donated food baskets during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter distribution and to receive donations from the annual letter carriers food drive in May. Thank you to all our Parishioners and Friends who participate in Council events and fundraisers throughout the year. Without your support, we would not be able to continue to provide services, programs, and supports to Holy Trinity Parish and the greater community. Interested in learning more about the Council and becoming a Knight? Message us or click here.
At our monthly business meeting and in conjunction with World Down Syndrome Day, the Council made a donation to The Rising Together Alliance in the amount of $1,000. Funds were received from Parishioners and Friends who donated to the Bunny's Bakery at our recent Breakfast with the Bunny. Additionally, funds were donated by the Halloran family and matched by the Council. We thank everyone for your support of our Breakfast with the Bunny.
The Knights of Columbus would like to thank all of the parishioners who donated to the annual Baby Bottle Drive, benefiting Legacy of Life Foundation. $7,126.17 was raised to support their charitable mission of helping women in crisis pregnancies. Your sacrificial generosity was overwhelming.
Come out and support the Knights of Columbus on Sunday October 22 at our fundraiser at the Green Parrot Restaurant (240 N Sycamore St, Newtown, PA 18940). Enjoy food and drink specials and raffles during the Eagles v Dolphins game at 8:20 p.m. Proceeds raised from the event will be donated directly to the council and allow us to continue providing programs, services, and supports to Holy Trinity Parish and the greater Morrisville communities.
The Knights of Columbus will be selling their annual football sweepstakes tickets after all Masses the weekend of 9/23-24 and 10/14-15. Tickets are $10 and support the Pennsylvania State Knights of Columbus Charities and a portion of the proceeds are returned to the Council at Holy Trinity. Tickets can also be requested through our website – Thank you for your continued support of the Knights of Columbus.
Catholic Gentlemen over the age of 18 are invited to join the Knights of Columbus for our monthly business meeting at 7:30 pm followed by our annual NFL Meet and Greet on Thursday September 14 at 8:15pm in the KOC Room (adjacent to children's cottage). Enjoy a night of fellowship and football while meeting our Parish Knights. Pizza, Wings, and Beverages will be provided. RSVP by September 13th
Join the Knight of Columbus for our annual All You Can Eat Fall Breakfast on Sunday September 17 from 8am – 11am in the School Hall. This breakfast helps the Knights support activities and programs within the Parish and Community. Breakfast will be $12 per person ages 11 and older and $8 per child ages 10 and under. Take out breakfast boxes will be available for purchase. Click here for information to purchase tickets in advance. Also, join us during the breakfast as we celebrate our 8th Grade Holy Trinity Students and Level 7 PREP students for our Bible Presentation Ceremony following the 9:30 am Mass. Help the Knights celebrate these School and Parish youth faith leaders.
All boys and girls of Holy Trinity Parish ages 9 to 14 as of September 1st are invited to participate in the Council level of competition for the 2023 Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge. There is no registration fee for this event, however, entrants are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item for donation to the Holy Trinity Food Pantry. This event will require an RSVP in advance of the event. Secure your place by sending an email with your name, gender, and age to [email protected] no later than August 10, 2023. We will email you the registration form to bring to the event and confirm your competition time. WHERE: Morrisville High School (Behind High School) WHEN: Saturday August 12, 2023 TIME: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM AGE GROUP TIMES 11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Boys and Girls Ages 9, 10, 11 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Boys and Girls Age 12, 13, 14