The Council continued theContactless Collection programwhere Parishioners areable to come into Church during normal Saturday Vigil and Sunday morning Mass times for individual prayer. As BrotherKnights stand guard during these open Church times,the Councilinvited Parishioners to bring canned goods and non-perishable food items for the Holy Trinity Food Pantry and donations to continue the vital operations of Holy Trinity Parish.Additionally, during two (2) weekends in May,the Council hosted a special collection for the Legacy of Life Foundation, soliciting donations of baby goods to support womenin crisis make the one right choice for the life of her unborn child.Further, the Council provided Parishioners a Livestream of the Exposition of the Holy Eucharist through Facebook Live, where Parishioners were encouraged to say the Rosary to foster a culture of life in our Parish, homes, and community.