There's no gamble this Valentine’s Day because it's a sure thing that you will enjoy an adult only night out with the Knights of Columbus. Claim your single ticket, couples’ ticket, or full table today. Limited tickets are available. Proceeds from this event help the Knights to continue providing support, funding, and programing to the Holy Trinity Parish and greater Morrisville Communities. We look forward to seeing you!! Visit for more information on the Council, who we support through our work, and how you join.
Join the Knights of Columbus for our monthly business meeting at 7:30pm in the KOC Room (adjacent to children’s cottage). Find out how our Council serves Holy Trinity Parish and the Greater Morrisville Communities. Meet our current Knights and find out how you can become part of an organization with 2 Million members worldwide. Catholic Gentlemen over the age of 18 are invited to join. Visit for more information about our Council.
The Council will deliver remarks at end of all Masses the weekend before Ash Wednesday and Brother Knights will be stationed at the exits of church handing out the Knights of Columbus Guide to Confession Devotional Booklet. The Council seeks to raise awareness of the Sacrament of Reconciliation during this Lenten season. Parishioners and Friends are encouraged to visit and read the letter and the Council's Guide to Reconciliation and take advantage of the Sacrament during Lent and help prepare their mind, heart, and soul for Easter.
The Council will deliver remarks at end of all Masses the weekend before Ash Wednesday and Brother Knights will be stationed at the exits of church handing out the Knights of Columbus Guide to Confession Devotional Booklet. The Council seeks to raise awareness of the Sacrament of Reconciliation during this Lenten season. Parishioners and Friends are encouraged to visit and read the letter and the Council's Guide to Reconciliation and take advantage of the Sacrament during Lent and help prepare their mind, heart, and soul for Easter.
Join the Knights of Columbus for our monthly business meeting at 7:30pm in the KOC Room (adjacent to children’s cottage). Find out how our Council serves Holy Trinity Parish and the Greater Morrisville Communities. Meet our current Knights and find out how you can become part of an organization with 2 Million members worldwide. Catholic Gentlemen over the age of 18 are invited to join. Visit for more information about our Council.
Come Join the Holy Trinity Parish Knights of Columbus Council for our “March Madness Meet and Greet.” Enjoy a night of fellowship and basketball while meeting our Parish Knights. Doors open at 8:15 PM. Pizza, Wings, and Beverages will be provided. Attendees are welcome to join us for our business meeting beginning at 7:30pm. This event is open to all Catholic Men of Holy Trinity Parish 18 years of age and older.
The Knights of Columbus are selling their annual Chance of A Lifetime (COAL) tickets. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Take your chance at winning 16 cash prizes totaling $65,000. Knights will be selling after all Masses on the weekends of 3/22-23and 4/5-6. Drawing will take place at the Knights of Columbus State Convention.
The Knights of Columbus are selling their annual Chance of A Lifetime (COAL) tickets. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Take your chance at winning 16 cash prizes totaling $65,000. Knights will be selling after all Masses on the weekends of 3/22-23and 4/5-6. Drawing will take place at the Knights of Columbus State Convention.
Join the Knights of Columbus from 8am - 11am for our Breakfast with the Bunny. The Council invites all Parishioners and Friends to feed their Souls at Mass on Sunday, then come over to the School Hall and feed your body with an all you can eat breakfast. Walk-up ticket purchases are available. Enjoy the Bunny's Bakery and all Free Will Donations will benefit the Rising Together Alliance, which provides inclusive Catholic Education for students with intellectual disabilities in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
The Knights of Columbus invite parishioners and friends to pray the Rosary with us in Church beginning at 6:45 pm. Knights will then lead the prayer service at 7:15, and assist at the Stations of the Cross devotion at 7:30.
The Knights of Columbus are selling their annual Chance of A Lifetime (COAL) tickets. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Take your chance at winning 16 cash prizes totaling $65,000. Knights will be selling after all Masses on the weekends of 3/22-23and 4/5-6. Drawing will take place at the Knights of Columbus State Convention.
The Knights of Columbus are selling their annual Chance of A Lifetime (COAL) tickets. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Take your chance at winning 16 cash prizes totaling $65,000. Knights will be selling after all Masses on the weekends of 3/22-23and 4/5-6. Drawing will take place at the Knights of Columbus State Convention.
The Knights of Columbus will be leading a rosary before Mass. The parish is invited to join in this ancient devotion to Heaven’s most powerful intercessor. A short Scripture passage will be read before each decade to assist in meditation as we pray. We begin at 6:30.
Join the Knights of Columbus for our monthly business meeting at 7:30pm in the KOC Room (adjacent to children’s cottage). Find out how our Council serves Holy Trinity Parish and the Greater Morrisville Communities. Meet our current Knights and find out how you can become part of an organization with 2 Million members worldwide. Catholic Gentlemen over the age of 18 are invited to join. Visit for more information about our Council.
40 Hours Devotion - 4/27-4/29 40 Hours Devotion begins immediately following the 11:00AM Mass Sunday, April 27: - Adoration all day following the 11:00AM Mass until 7:00PM - Evening Prayer and Benediction at 7:00PM Monday, April 28: - Adoration all day following the 9:00AM Mass until 7:00PM - Evening Prayer and Benediction at 7:00PM Tuesday, April 29: - Adoration all day following the 9:00AM Mass until 7:00PM - Closing of 40 Hours Devotion, Benediction and Evening Prayer at 7:00PM
40 Hours Devotion - 4/27-4/29 40 Hours Devotion begins immediately following the 11:00AM Mass Sunday, April 27: - Adoration all day following the 11:00AM Mass until 7:00PM - Evening Prayer and Benediction at 7:00PM Monday, April 28: - Adoration all day following the 9:00AM Mass until 7:00PM - Evening Prayer and Benediction at 7:00PM Tuesday, April 29: - Adoration all day following the 9:00AM Mass until 7:00PM - Closing of 40 Hours Devotion, Benediction and Evening Prayer at 7:00PM
40 Hours Devotion - 4/27-4/29 40 Hours Devotion begins immediately following the 11:00AM Mass Sunday, April 27: - Adoration all day following the 11:00AM Mass until 7:00PM - Evening Prayer and Benediction at 7:00PM Monday, April 28: - Adoration all day following the 9:00AM Mass until 7:00PM - Evening Prayer and Benediction at 7:00PM Tuesday, April 29: - Adoration all day following the 9:00AM Mass until 7:00PM - Closing of 40 Hours Devotion, Benediction and Evening Prayer at 7:00PM