During the PA State Knights of Columbus Convention in April, the Council was awarded two (2) PA State Faith in Action Awards for programming offered during the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year. The Council was recognized for programs related to Community and Life. These awards were formally presented to Council at the 9:30am Mass on June 16, 2024 by District Deputy Eric Miller. See the descriptions below of the award winning programs sponsored by the Council. The Council would like to thank all of our Parishioners and Friends who continue to support the Council and our initiatives in Holy Trinity Parish and the Greater Morrisville Communities. Interested in becoming a Knight? Click here to request information to join.
Life Award:
Knights organized a Baby Bottle Drive in support of The Legacy of Life Foundation from January 13 - January 21, 2024 at Holy Trinity Parish. The Drive collected both physical baby goods and monetary donations. As of the filing of this paperwork, the Council had not received a final counts of goods and funds donated. Brother Knights handed out information and donation forms on the opening weekend and collected physical goods and monetary donations on the closing weekend. Goods and monetary donations left at the Church were brought to the Legacy of Life Foundation by Brother Knight Mike Lyczak and his wife, Janice. The Baby Bottle Dive was planned to overlap the Counicl's 4th Annual Mass, March, and Rosary for Life on the Parish Grounds. The Knights of Columbus would like to thank all of the Parishioners and Friends who donated to the annual Baby Bottle Drive, benefiting Legacy of Life Foundation. $7,126.17 was raised to support their charitable mission of helping women in crisis pregnancies. Your sacrificial generosity was overwhelming.
Community Award:
The Council provides the community with physical and spiritual assistance during times of illness or loss. The Council sends cards to members of the Parish who appear on the sick list and add those individuals, as needed, to the Council Good of the Order Prayer List. The list is updated at our monthly business meeting and virtually through email updates and our member section of the Council website.
Additionally, when the family member of a Knight or a Parishioner, at the request of the Pastor, pass away the Council accompanies Monsignor Eckert to stand as an Honor Guard for the family. Brother Knights stand with Monsignor as he holds a prayer service. The Council also provides the family with a Mass Card. In cases where services are held within Holy Trinity Church, Knights additionally serve as greeters for the services and form the Honor Guard for the deceased and family members to pass through upon exit from the Church. This community program helps families within our Parish and community find peace during illness or during times of great loss. This program helps connect the Parish and Knights with our Parishioners and celebrate lives that have made a lasting impact within our Parish.
Brother Knights, along with Chaplain Msgr. Eckert, after standing as Honor Guard at the viewing of a Parishioner.